Jcb 528 70 specification

Current number of specifications. JCB 5- Telescopic Forklift. View Articles on this item. Aspiration, naturally aspirated. Outside turn radius (over tyres) 4WS. Dependant upon tyre specified.

FNTP Télébat 5- - JCB. Caractéristiques Matériel. Used Values, Specs , Pictures and More. Maximum lift capacity kg (lb).

A simple 2-page (4-sided) specification brochure for the Loadall 5- 70. Check out more offers on TradeMachines. Auctioneers does not guarantee the validity of the information found here.

Technical specifications : 5S.

Equipada con cuchara o pinzas. This does away with the need for a balancing counter- weight in most situations, freeing up the telehandler from unproductive baggage. The design also means that the operator. Lift capacity to full height kg (lb).

Reach at maximum lift height m (ft-in). If you think there may be an issue with an advert, click here. If you require assistance placing an advert or have any other query, click here. Consultez les manuels, données constructeurs, fiches techniques et documentation des machines JCB dans la catégorie fixe.

Découvrez encore sur JCB fixe sur Mascus FR. Click to Contact Seller. A very high spec , handy and compact machine. Auxiliary hydraulic flow lpm (US gal). LOADER DIMENSIONS – Standard Height Arm.

A Sprocket idler centres mm. Undercarriage overall length mm. C Kingpost clearance mm.


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