Plantwise uganda

Despite its recent political stability, Uganda remains a very poor country. Plantwise has helped thousands of Ugandan farmers to manage their crop health. The Plantwise Knowledge Bank dashboard gives all of the available pest and disease information specific to Uganda.

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If you would like to, you can learn more about the cookies we use. During this time, he kept a research diary (video below), describing his experiences in Uganda and the day-to-day work of plant doctors in the field. Plantwise is a global programme led by CABI, which works to help farmers lose less of what they grow to plant health problems. Read about our Plantwise programmme.

Our Work Covers: Knowledge: Invasive species: Food security: Trade: Plantwise. News Management of invasive plants could prevent spread of deadly . The coordinator of the Plantwise programme in Uganda and Zambia, Joseph Mulema, says plant clinics are a far more effective model for getting advice to farmers than the traditional one where extension workers, in theory, visit farms.

Plant clinics can help so many farmers in a short time,” he says. Malaysia Mauritius Montserrat Myanmar The. Philippines Rwanda Sierra Leone Solomon South Africa Sri Lanka. Current Plantwise countries . Wherever you are, browse your library of clear, practical and safe advice for tackling crop problems. The two tiers by which Plantwise works are complementary.

A striking example was the diagnostic and advisory support that has enhanced plant clinics operations and informed policy for agricultural investment Uganda. Mandate to develop Plantwise. Plant Clinics Taking Root in East Africa Print Share: FILE - A worker is seen at a tea plantation near Kasese town, some 5km west of Uganda's capital, Kampala.

Australia The Bahamas Bangladesh Bermuda Botswana. The focus countries will be Kenya, Mozambique, Rwanda and. The project objectives are to: (i) build on existing technologies used in.

Plantwise to develop and deploy ICT-based data and information-management tools that capture data directly from the field to support quality agricultural services;. The article describes the Plantwise approach to improving plant health advisory services. Posts about CABI Plantwise Uganda.

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